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The Gerrit Rietveld Academy is looking for an: Education department head Image & Language for 16 hours (0.4 fte) per week (m/f/x)

Geplaatst: 31-01-2025
Sluitingsdatum: 13-02-2025
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Management / Leidinggevend, Onderwijsgevend 
Gepromoveerd, HBO, MBO, Middelbaar onderwijs, WO 
min. 0.4 fte, max. 0.4 fte 
max. 13 (€6.154,20 - €7.495,89) 


The Gerrit Rietveld Academy is looking for an:

Education department head Image & Language for 16 hours (0.4 fte) per week (m/f/x)

The organisation

The Gerrit Rietveld Academie is a small-scale, independent internationally oriented university of applied sciences for visual arts and design. The Academy is characterised by research-based and experimental art education, where department heads, teachers, workplace specialists, students and staff jointly shape and give substance to education and research. Diversity and inclusion, ecology and sustainability are important focal points of the Academy and therefore guide the actions of members of the Academy community. You can find the code of conduct here: https://rietveldacademie.nl/en/page/27103/code-of-conduct

Students at the Rietveld Academy come from 55 different countries, making the Academy a diverse community.

Department heads and teachers attached to the Academy are mostly also independent artists or designers or have a practice connected to the artistic field as contemplators or theorists.

The daily management of the Academy is in the hands of the Executive Board and the director bachelors education and workshops, director of masters and research and the director of operations. The Academy has about 350 employees.


We strive for diversity and recruit colleagues from groups currently underrepresented in our teaching. In case of equal suitability, we give preference to a candidate who strengthens the diversity within our team.

The Image & Language department

In the Image & Language department, we experiment and research language in the context of visual art.

A way of thinking with and through language is fundamental at this department. We want to approach language from more perspectives than just literary forms such as prose, essay and poetry.

Image & Language starts from an interest in language as construction, where ideas but also materials are needed to implement these ideas. The art of writing in the Image & Language department involves not only learning how to use literary techniques, but also how to question and use language in conceptual ways. By considering language as rich and complex material, Image & Language provides an environment in which projects involving and made with language can be developed. Results at Image & Language can be anything from poems to essays, podcasts, stories, videos, paintings, sculptures, performances, new forms or endless enumerations.

What will you do, among other things?

  • You combine your own vision of the constantly changing developments within art and art education, and the related discourse, and translate this into educational content and teaching methods.
  • You create an inclusive, safe and inspiring learning and working environment.
  • You will plan and organise teaching, assessment and settlement, faculty deployment and the department's connection to Academy-wide programmes.
  • You will be responsible for the department's budget.
  • You clearly communicate the department's core values both within the department, in the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and outside.
  • You will participate in consultation and coordination with the other department heads, staff departments and the director.
  • You will contribute to the broad development of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy.
  • Within the appointment as head of department, you also provide teaching , or other educational activities.
  • You will be present at the Academy for two days and at flexible times where necessary for e.g. open days, exams, assessments, etc.

What kind of profile do you have?

  • You are a writer or artist for whom researching language and the role of language in the visual arts, is part of your practice.
  • You have the ability to analyse developments, make innovative proposals, set long-term directions and motivate others to embrace and pursue that vision.
  • You are able to work within the existing structures, guidelines and processes, taking into account the wider objectives and context of the Academy.
  • You cope well with changes in priorities or circumstances, you look for alternative solutions when things go differently than expected and you are open to new perspectives.
  • A head of department is a manager, someone who cares and contributes to the development of a team of teachers. So people skills matter:
    • You foster a close-knit team by making best use of qualities, organising consultations and knowledge sharing, discussing progress, improving cooperation and taking into account the feelings, needs and backgrounds of others.
    • You match your leadership style to the capabilities, wishes and situation of the employee by making concrete agreements, offering support and feedback, and being open to mutual feedback.
    • You have the sensitivity to appreciate diversity, recognise prejudice, promote inclusiveness and create a working environment where everyone feels treated equally and respected.
  • You plan and organise activities effectively by translating goals for yourself and others into priorities, making realistic estimates, aligning with stakeholders and processes, and ensuring timely availability of what is needed.
  • You can reflect on your own performance and that of the organisation, you use feedback and new insights to stimulate development, you create a safe learning climate by discussing issues without judgement, and you play an exemplary role in change.
  • By working together on organisational design with an eye for the broader context, you delve into the questions and backgrounds, actively seek connection and different perspectives, and leverage networks and knowledge to effectively address joint issues.
  • You have pedagogical skills to create a positive and supportive learning environment for students and didactic skills to best guide students in their development process. We believe it is important for someone who teaches to have a teaching qualification (BDB). If you do not have this, you can take it through the Academy.
  • As some institute documents and consultations are in the Dutch language, you are able to understand and read Dutch. Speaking or writing Dutch is not a must.
  • If you do not have EU nationality, you must have the appropriate residence and work permit. If you do not live in the Netherlands, you will need an RNI/BSN number.

Employment conditions

  • According to the Collective Labour Agreement for Higher Professional Education, the position is graded in scale 13, which has a maximum of €7.495 gross per month based on a full-time appointment (40 hours per week). The scale salary offered is determined on the basis of knowledge and experience.
  • Good fringe benefits including a year-end bonus of 8.3%, a very generous number of holidays, leave arrangements and development opportunities such as coaching, teaching qualification programme and Dutch.
  • An allowance for travel expenses from 10 kilometres.
  • We offer a one-year contract, with the intention of converting this into a permanent position after a maximum of four years, if suitable.


Go here to the application page of Homerun: https://gerrit-rietveld-academie.homerun.co/education-department-head-image-language/en/apply?&step=1 

To ensure that we assess all candidates' suitability for the position in the same way, we do not ask you for a CV or cover letter. Instead, we will ask all candidates the same questions, which will give us insight into how well you meet the job requirements. Please pay enough attention to filling in; this is the only information we will judge you on in this round.

If you have any questions please contact Miriam Bestebreurtje, director of bachelors education at miriam.bestebreurtje@rietveldacademie.nl

You can respond until February 13, 2025.

You will hear in the week of February 24, 2025 whether you will be invited for an interview. The first interview round will take place in the week of March 3, 2025 the second interview round in the week of March 10, 2025.

Acquisition in response to this advertisement is not appreciated. 

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